Grand Opening Procession

Saturday 20th July - 10AM Grand Opening Procession

The Grand Opening Procession

This is the big kick off event for the Guernsey Street Festival and we encourage you to come dressed in  fancy dress.  The theme this year is 'Under The Sea'. There will be a large procession through town so head down to enjoy the festivities!

WHEN: Saturday 26th July 2024

TIME: 10AM - 10:30AM

WHERE: Sunken Gardens - through town - finish in the Market

Who's in the parade?

The Petit Train

Special Tickets

Character Actors

Superheros, pirates, fairies and much more

Join the parade!

There will be lots of ways to get involved whether by flag waving or dressing up for the fancy dress competition in the Market later, however if you want to be a part of the parade itself take a look below of how you can join us.


Le Petit Train will be returning to lead the parade through the streets of St Peter Port and you could be on it!

Watch this space for tickets



If you would like to dress up as a circus character or animal and join the parade, email us here.

There will be freebies for participating children and we encourage all to come in fancy dress.




10AM - Grand Opening Procession from the Sunken Gardens to the Market

Join the procession in Le Petit Train or join on foot in costume by contacting us.

Le Petit Train will leave from Albert Pier at 9:45.

10:30AM - TBC performance

10.30AM - 12PM - Festivities in the market

12.00PM - TBC performance

1.00PM - TBC performance

2.00PM - TBC performance